Temp of the Month – May

Congratulations to Abigail who is our temp of the month for May! Abigail has completed a variety of temporary bookings through us and she has shown a great work ethic in all roles. She has an excellent attitude and is always keen to hear about new opportunities. Well done Abigail and we hope you enjoy […]
Temp of the Month – April

Congratulations to Patricia who is our temp of the month for April!Patricia has completed numerous temporary bookings through Faith and is now covering a temporary role for us where she has been extended many times. She has been extremely hard-working and has had excellent attendance over the course of her bookings. Enjoy spending your vouchers!
Temp of the Month – March

A big congratulations to our temp Kerry who is the temp of the month for March!Kerry is hardworking, reliable, and always keen to take on different last-minute temporary bookings. She has temped for a variety of local clients and has always picked up the tasks and responsibilities with ease. Thank you for representing Faith to […]
Temp of the Month – February

Thank you to our fantastic temp Nick. He focused, hard working and carries out temporary bookings with no hesitation. Nick has made a positive impact and we are very thankful for your hard work. We hope you enjoy your vouchers!
Temp of the Month – January

We are pleased to congratulate Michael on our first temp of the month for 2022! Since Michael started his temporary booking we have received brilliant feedback from our client. He has been hard-working, picked up skills very quickly and has been an asset to the team. Michael has recently been extended in his booking and […]
Temp of the Year 2021

Temp of the Month – December

Well done to Filomena who is our temp of the month for December. Filomena has completed numerous last-minute temporary bookings for us over the last month which has been a massive help! She is extremely hard-working, punctual and a pleasure to work with. We hope you enjoy spending your vouchers Filomena!